Sunday, September 21, 2008

God and Another secret revealed

My best friend at this stage, Sarah, was going through pretty much the same stuff as I was. She was also partying just as hard as I was. One of her Christian friends invited us to a sell group one evening. He said that he had been praying for her and that he was very worried about her. We thought he was crazy but we went anyway. There was a prophet at the sell that week who spoke truth into many people’s lives. Including Sarah’s and mine. It was amazing; he definitely got our attention. We made a new commitment to God that evening together. We started praying together and going to church and actually wanting to be there. It was amazing.
Sean stayed jealous. He just couldn’t seem to let go. My friend invited me to go on holiday, to Mozambique, with him December of my Gr. 11 year. I was very excited. Sean wasn’t excited when he found out though. Not at all. He wrote an sms, which in detail described everything I had ever done wrong, plus a few things he made up himself, and sent it to my mom. Ouch!
As I said before, the truth always comes out. At first I denied it, but as the evidence came out my parents knew it was true. So as as result of my stupidity, I once again caused so much pain . . . my parents had given me their trust even after I betrayed them, and I once again broke it. That was the first time I saw my dad cry. But I told them about my new commitment, and that I had already decided to stop, and start over. It took a lot of convincing, but eventually they believed me, and gave me another chance. God had reached me just in time, and luckily He had worked in my parent’s hearts.

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