I started becoming friends with a group of girls who were basically the 'head girl' group. The typical prefect candidates, the right kind of friends. But, I didn;t feel welcome yet again, I was the odd one out, and the new found glory had gone to my head, I liked the idea of being able to pick my friends, and I was still seeking complete acceptance, so I looked for new friends, cooler friends.
I ended up becoming friends with the so called 'wash-outs', the naughty yet very hot boys. We were three girls, friends with a bunch of boys. They accepted me, can't really say the reasons were good ones though, at least for some of them. I started kind of dating the one guy, very hot, but that was about it! hehe
At this stage of my life I had never been drunk before. I had had one or two drinks with friends, but never a lot. So, when my new friends invited me to go watch rugby and party with them I didn't hesitate to go. When I arrived they were already going strong. After the rugby we were invited to one of the booths at the stadium to have a few drinks with some other friends, free. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to have my first real experience with alcohol, I mean, I was with my friends, they would take care of me, I was safe, Right? Well they did take care of me, in more ways than one.
As we were all walking away from the booth, everybody very jolly, my one friend, David, informed me that my 'boyfriend' had just asked him if it was OK if he went for his ex, so much for our bright future. I was hurt, and mad, I wanted to spite him, so I kissed David as soon as we had dropped him off at home. We soon arrived at David's house, and hormones were flying. I was drunk, but I was uncomfortable. I could sense trouble coming.
So I warned him, a few times, that we must be careful, we must not sleep together. He agreed of course, every time. Eventually he informed me that I would be sharing his bed with him, I didn't care, especially in my state, I just wanted to go to bed. He just wanted to carry on kissing me. I carried on telling him that I didn't want to sleep with him, he started trying anyway. I carried on saying no, he carried on trying. Eventually I gave in, he wasn't gonna stop anyway, and I wasn't thinking straight. I lost my virginity that night.
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