Monday, August 25, 2008


Earlier I spoke a little about Christianity, and what role it played in my life. . . To add some depth to that: My religious life was like a roller coaster. I went through highs and lows, I could never find a balance. When we made the big move in Gr 4 we joined a church in our street, I went to Sunday school etc. but it was all just a habit. When I was in Gr 7 we moved churches. Our new church was much more lively, and they had services especially for the youth. This way of ministering was much more appealing to me, and got my attention. I made my first personal commitment to God that year, I can't remember the exact date. . . Unfortunately I didn't grasp the fact that a relationship with God was not all that different to a relationship with a friend: it was a two sided thing, I had to make an effort too. And I didn't, I didn't understand how, nor did I have the desire to do so yet. . . So that didn't last very long. . .